We target differentiated sources of return by allocating capital to buyout, growth, and recapitalization transactions, co-investing with a select network of seasoned entrepreneurs, private equity sponsors, and institutional investors.

We partner with private equity operators, providing backing and non-control co-investment capital, while they fuel growth and unlock value with a focus on strategic investments in dynamic companies.




IMPORTANT NOTICE ON THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements herein: 1) Are for information purposes only: 2) Shall not serve as an endorsement of any entities or companies; 3) Do not constitute investment advice; 4) Do not recommend investing in any of the companies; 5) Do not recommend or solicit investing with us; 6) Do not recommend or solicit investing with any of the entities; 7) Are to be viewed with a knowledge that private equity is a high-risk investment asset class; 8) Imply that we are a "qualified" and "accredited" investor, able to understand and manage risks related to these type of investments