Author: Alexander H. Grigorian Business Intelligence Analyst at Redmount How does one succeed at managing, growing, and transitioning a…
Selling shares in a business completely (or partially) income tax-free sounds too good to be true, right? Perhaps not. To the delight…
From cotton sleeves to cotton sleeves in three generations, a Chinese proverb says. So do other proverbs, in just about…
An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) can be a great ownership-transition strategy, but there are a lot of factors to…
You’ve probably heard a lot about initial public offerings (IPOs)—but how much do you really know about the costs and…
There are pros and cons to any ownership-transition strategy, but for sellers looking to maximize proceeds on the sale of…
Planning for the future of your business? Consider what you most want to gain from the transaction—depending on the needs…
For business owners looking to unlock potential illiquid value in their business, but also want to retain ownership, a leveraged…
There are a multitude of factors to consider when creating your ownership-transition strategy. Do you still want to be involved…
Business owners often fail to plan their financial strategy even as they move towards selling their business, perhaps the most…